A cute potato creature I designed to become a stop motion puppet.

A very random unfortunate creature.

Character Profile for Bob
Name: Bob (I wanted his name to be kind of boring just like him when you first meet him)
Age: twentyish (25)
Has big ears to hear all the scoops
Always tired
Drinks a lot of coffee
Will literary do anything for a story
Scraped his forehead while trespassing for a story. Might looks like a badass scar but he is actually a bit of a loser.
He’s resting face looks bored and kind of mad
Flaw: He is too focused on making money
Habit: Drinking a lot of coffee, biting his nails when he gets stressed (almost always)
Fear: Not making it. He may act shameless, but he only does this because he is scared of achieving nothing in life.
Trigger: Injustice, he hates it when journalists change up the stories, he thinks news should be true. He hates how much he cares about this because this makes making money harder for him. He doesn’t want to write some rumor and paint someone as something they’re not. He is scared that he will ruin someone’s life like that.
Style of self expression: Very blunt. Says it as it is. Doesn’t like to paint something prettier than it is. When he sets his mind on it when he wants something.
Change: He was getting too focused on money when *history repeats itself he gets serious and he tries to do everything in his power to save this person (by interviewing, playing detective ect.)
How they express affection: He is a bit of a klutz. Talking before thinking, tough love, expresses himself through actions and is clumsy with words. Probably accidentally hurt a lot of feelings before. He is just really clumsy when it comes to communication.
Things he likes: Sleeping (when he gets the chance, since he has to stay up late and write most of the time), coffee, Sleeping in till the afternoon (when he gets the chance), Silence.
Things he hate: Mornings, would rather stay awake to turn in his work then wake up early to turn it in, eating noises, overspending, getting paid late, unexpected costs.
View on love: He doesn’t know how-to-relationship and he doesn’t want to know. He feels like it would be a liability to his work. He has little free time. When he does get free time he want’s to spend it on himself.

Some body sketches I did for Bob

A very passionate rabbit disco-dance competitor